Sunday, March 27, 2011

first time love

great day...your day..mine too..

It was my first time entered graduation hall..
though my sis already graduated, but I didn't enter the hall and no one of us yg tgk kat screen je kalo msuk pon..means, there are in separated room/hall actually..
so so so..I just feel excited and want to be a great person of him on that day:)

azlan...congratulationss! no matter what level you have been completed...the most important thing you succeed and da dpt keje da pon kan.. immediately kan kan kan...great!

pictures of everything:)
dah encem2 kt ats tetibe kasut
he always know where the camera shot and me of course ..tehee
tahniah azlan:)
lecturer kesayangan die

simple but yeah
suke nk jadi superman kan..

first forever, be the prince:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

mama abah

abah abah

adik ny kuat melawan sangat ke hah???
adik mtk maaf tau..
adik ny panas baran kot..cepat sgt melenting..marah2..
adik sedih gk ng dri adik sendiri..tpi adik nk wat cmne..
sllu gak mtk doa lembutkan cket aty ny...

mama abah doakan adik keyh..
i LOVE u soo much..
mama abah je yg memahami adik sgt.
suami nnty akan paham adik x??

ke adik kene berubah??
naaakk...tapi nanty..ciput ciput eh..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

mood lari

mood nk buat thesis lari ke kuah kari...
aku kurg mood da nk wat tesis...
xtau nape...
mgkin sb hanya tinggal lagi 27 hari untuk aku anta..
org len bile makin dekat makin gelabah..
aku...gelabah gak..gelabah kat mulut..
tgn xgerak pon...geram!!

1 april anta thesis siap jilid
11 april exam
13&14 april viva
27 april exam...

xke cm comel2 je jadual ny kan???

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::