Monday, October 31, 2011

Alhamdulillah :)

yesterday i went to all bridal studio in bandar kemaman and awesome that i found my dream yeah, i rent it and tambah awesome bile I am the first person who rent that bju pengantin memandangkan die da bru je siap...patung je yg rasmikan sblm ny..heheh alhamdulillah....

sebenarnye x jdi pon kesah ni, tpi ble my mom xbrape suke sy mengenakan baju pengantin kebaya, so she decided to let me rent yg lain which yg bile die tgk, die trus kate "wowowo lawalawa"..........and finally da jumpa...thanks!!! Alhamdulillah:)

i feel so soo happy and thankfull to my mom n GOD :)))

so now, i always pray for the best..

lst night I just celebrating ou 2 months engagement( Kina & Azlan)... sambil celebrate students nk final dearest fiance was very supporting and very gentle when he melayan sume budak2 tahun dua and sau tu kat rumah I....banyak gile makanan dak2 ny bwk...sume yg cheesy2...n mmg gemuklah..heheee...

thanks future husband, hope everything goes well n I know we could face all situations with great heart...

abg by, by sllu doakan kite kekal hingga ke akhir hayat and bahagia menempuh alam perkhahwinan:) InsyaAllah

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, October 24, 2011

waaa makan banyak!!!

ayoyo...aku makan banyak lah makin2 nak jdi pengantin ny...geraaammm btol laaa..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, October 20, 2011


mind fighting!
i am in trouble and should ask for help from my sweetheart...

dear...pliss come to my house and land me ur hand to solve all these thingss...plisss..

mmm nak je ckp cmny kat die, tpi xboleh sb kesian..hari ni die wat OT so blk pkol 5 ptg..xkan I nk surh die dtg kmas plk...mmm sobs!

ok fine! let's do something yg fun least leh bgi haty ny calm down cket..oklet's blogging ladies n gentlemen..hehee

I am so excited like crazy when the days r running so fast..xsampai sebulan lgila babe nk melayar bahtera perkhahwinan..nerve I sume da tercacak da..Ya Allah, aku mohon padaMu agar memberi kemudahan ats segala perkara.amin:)

see the thing is I am the only one who have to clear up all perabot sampah sarap yang berterabur kt umah ni because of my siblings are not here(home)...teha(sis yg akan kawen skali gk) akan balik 17 mlm..what thee sgt kan..which i akan nikah 18 mlm..haahh.. and Bila(sis) akan blk mybe on 19 tu..soo, sgtla exhausted ye sy kene kemas sengsorang..dgn harapan my dear dtg tolong..

dugaan skrg, gigi bongsu kanan tumbuh, so mesti skitkan..sume tahu kan..bengkak n demam, tambah teruk bile x-ray baru ny rupenye gigi tu kene operate buang..da wat appoinment da, pas kwen bru buat...hehee..

but one thing..I hope dgn mengemas ny badan akan mengempis sikit, bolehla nmpk cntik cket time pakai bgju pengantin nnty..
bukan sekadar MENGEMAS ye i kene buat..I also volunteer to do all the hantaran my side and teha(sis)..baik kan..heheeee..

ok done! nk mengemas semula.

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I would say I do....:)

Thanks for being my partner InsyaAllah:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Saturday, October 15, 2011

full of emotions

first alhamdulillah coz da settle borg nikah..bru antala..nk kene tggu approve plak..:)

ok..what I would like to share is:

tdi me woth my fiance went to the event organized by JobMalaysia which everyone knows that is for job vacancy...suprisingly there were no any vacancy suit for my with my level(degree in biology) what a shame!!!huh!..

gratefully my boy got 2 jobs from 2 companies..but have to think wisely first since we are getting married soon..

and now i feel like almost give up to find a job anymore..i don't know..may be i just be a replacement teacher for this while..hmmm xpe..rezeki jugak walaupun gaji dpt cket n least i work for half day only and i can get extra income from the home

Allah please murahkanla rezeki aku dan keluargaku dan lindungilah kami dari bala. amin:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::