Friday, December 30, 2011

Alhamdulillah :) great news..

I am very thankful dgn rezeki yg Allah bgi..

doctor: 'ok positive, now ade info cketla...'

by & abg: pandang bertembung mata dan dgn selambe angguk dan fokus dgn info2...

keluar je blik: tarik nafas lega smpai jdi blur2..hahaha

that was a great feeling ever I had..thanks Allah..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

there is a reason

pagi tadi about 6.20 am cmtu, i got the massage
' aliff telah kembali mengahadap Illahi, semoga arwah ditempatkan di kalangan orang beriman'


ouh Ya Allah....Innalillah..
terus baca Al-fatihah and gtau husband kt sebelah..

Ya Allah, mmg aku xberapa kenal aliff ny, tetapi dpt rse kehilangan arwah bf my closefriend...and arwah dak sekolah I dlu..and arwah dtg mse I kawen 18.11.11 baru ny...i feel like a bump when i knew he was sick a few days after my wed day tu...he looked sihat and happy with my friend, Erra....

and now, kite same2lah doakan kesejahteraan arwah di sana, dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman..

'dear erra, be strong..whatever happens there is a reason..Allah lebih sayangkan die, Allah xnk bagi kesiksaan yang begitu lame kt die, so arwah jemput die dulu..erra kene redha, byk berdoa...bile erra rase sedih, rindu ke trus sembahyang hajat doakan kesejahteraan die eh erra....insyaAllah erra mampu hadapinya dengan mmg dugaan besar, bile I dengar berita ny, mmg erra la trus kina engt...oh my God, tenangkanlah erra...erra, kina bce yg erra updated status cm ny..
'No one can ever replace you here in my heart. Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened in my life. Heart you, Mohd Aliff Na'im. :')'

yep, bile kina letak keadaan kina kt erra, seriously mmg kina faham..mungkin ini masanya Allah nk dekaktkan erra denganNya...supaya erra sentiasa berdoa n sujud padaNYA...bercintalah dengan Allah erra, InsyaAllah hati erra akan tenang..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, December 25, 2011

keep wondering about 'ugly' thing

ok right! i am wondering and thinking about of some people who yang xde perasaan sgt...when I text them, call them, they did not pick it up...kalau call or text sekali sebulan or sekali setahun xreply tu, its okla kan, but the situation was different....i keep calling n text them almost everyday..yaa, sometimes i cume nak sembang2 and tanya khabar je...

pelek 1:

they did not reply me, but on another day, he/she text me, tapi xcakap pun sorry ke ape ke tentang die xreply n picked up phone sebelum2 ny.. dieorg msg pasal hal lain plak..pelek x?

pelek 2:

yang jenis xangkat xreply text tu mmg sgt pelek xkanla die xtgk fon dalam mse seminggu kan??xkan xde krdit dlm mse sebulan kan? xkan la bz memanjang smpai kencing pon xsempat kan..?

pelek 3:

why dont, when u all da ade krdt, da xbz, da tgk fon tu reply la msg i...even i just text 'hey, pe kabarr?' & ' u buat pe tu?' & 'woi pe cite skg lu' & 'why dont u reply me?' and etc...

FRIENDS: doesnt mean we need to contact friends when we need something or want to talk to about any important things.. but to me, friends is just u take care of ur friend's heart, and then they would take care of yours too..
hey people, dont be soo sellfish, yet you go find friends jugak...

i couldnt think positively anymore about kind of those people ..i hate when they did it to me...seriously jerk ok! because, i think i never or seldom do that to my friends or family!

but yeah, i know that maybe some people would say to me..
' hey babe, chill lah, maybe he/she bz kot... maybe he/she malas tgk fon kot..'
emm whatever you would say, i dont accept it all..

BUT, it is okay...i wouldn't putus kawan pun..sakit aty sekejap je...jap jap g baikla haty ny..rse marah i sekejap je..xlame...kalo korg reply me, i ok je reply n sembang kencang ng korang..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::