Friday, December 31, 2010


ALHAMDULILLAH..I'm still alive in a great day on Saturday, 1.1.11 with my all VVIPs and not to forget Mr.Janggut and fellow friends...

happy enjoy and stay cool and rock!!!

btw i want to thanks to Mr. Janggut for all advises.

yaa..actually we had a big fights yesterday..and I was s**** when I said I want to brake up!!
erggrrhh..mulut ny mmg xleh pakai..and it's bad to me actly..:"(

but this Mr. Janggut came to bangi and just got back all his things which are with me before...and he blah!mcm tu je!!!

aaahhhh mmg trs nanges la aku..haha engt kan die nk pujuk kan..mmg xgentleman lgsung!korg jgn cri bf mcm ny tau!!haha!!

and blahblahblah la lagy stories goes on....

We succeed to melt our hearts!and it's great!

thanks Mr.Janggut..sorry for what I've done to you..

all the wrongs
and all the rights at me but wrongs to you
I really appreciate you

Minah tahi lalat CUBA tidak akan kata begitu lagi k Mr.Janggut :P

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, December 30, 2010


all saying goodbye and welcome..yeah..same goes here!

bye bye 2010-----welcome 2011

bye bye memories---welcome stories

may ALLAH bless us always...


GOODBYE kina......GOOD LUCK kina..,

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

0003 am

0003 am: alhamdulillah..just finished built the key of genera which about what I was mentioned in my previous post few hours ago..
huh!!! It's shocked me...I succeed to finish it without any 'mental disorders' haha!!
ALHAMDULILLAH...suprised me damn much you know....

moral values: don't ever give up and make people proud of you...and I wish it...
* if no one says 'I am proud of you", I can just talk to myself by saying " I am proud of you, kina' and even now I already said so... :P


:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

sorry :'(

I almost shed my tears while discussed with my thesis 's supervisor(E.daman) about the key of genera....
yaa!! to me it's very difficult to do that...I can't do it my by own..but I am supposed...
and I give a try..the best...but it wasn't so.damn!
I kept nag and complaining this and that..
( mane tau..sya mals la nk bace sy xphm...mcm2 agy..dgn bunyi ngekngek lagy)
adoohhaaii...encik daman i felt sorry to you cause I acted like a child and never want to learn!sigh! and you kept smiling even though you might upset with my attitude..!sigh!
"oklah babai encik daman"
" ok..babai...JANGAN GIVE UP"
"try buat..sebenarnye mudah je"

--encik daman you are so helpful person..I know you'r letting students to be independent and try first..then you will help them to be better..--

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Friday, December 24, 2010

they inspire me a lot

here we goes..
people with:
1. pengetahuan agama yang agak tinggi tetapi tidak mencemuh orang-orang yang mungkin mempunyai ilmu agama namun mereka tidak praktikkannya...

2. high curiosity..from my view..mereka yg high curiosity ny besenye akan berjaya without care about others saying...they just try and do what they wanna..even they failed at first, they'r not too easy to give up..

3. perasaan rendah diri dan sentiasa mengakui kelebihan org lain..ya..mereka tahu kelebihan sendiri tetapi tidak terlalu menunjuk..mereka cuma salurkan kelebihan sendiri tudi jalan yang benar sahaja.

4. sedar diri..I mean..they know where they come from..such what living standard they were and their roots..once korang sedar dimana asal usul korg, korg akan sedar n berbangga how your parents take care off dr kecil smpai sekarang...n that's akan buat korg berniat untuk menjadi yang lebih baik.

5. mempunyai prinsip dan target hidup..not just in a way..but branches of way...bukanlah cakap org tamak yang nk segala2nya dalam kehidupan..tetapi setiap org mesti mempunyai mcm2 impian that I love people who they plan, target, do the best and achieve it!

6. Malays who can speak in English very well.... they are very gorgeous, freaking awesome and whateverlah!mmg hot la dieorg ny...ouh..admire nyeee...nk sgt2 pandai ckp english..(ok kina! try!)
there are few more actually
and sumenye yang merangsang ke arah kejayaan dalam hiduplah...
and always enjoy their simple life..

peace out yaw!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Wednesday, December 22, 2010



last Monday was my first class of my final semester here guys...which is my third year being a student in fucking unsatisfied UKM...oh sorry man..i din mean to give a harsh word here..but i think i supposed to...
well...being a student who just survive with a PTPTN(pinjaman je) and from PAMA with about around a 1000 per month,it's not really good yeah...PTPTN tu lepas for yuran sahaja..argh!no baki!kalo ade pon berapa hinggit la sgt!!sb fees gilak mahal 15++++....ya i know for private college students this ringgit is soo cheap right?like my lil sis too..

but to me not!!!!

I just took 4 subjects for this final why it could be so mahal hah!!
shit gile lah...
bile tgk perinci fees tu..argh!sakit aty gile..ade sumbangan duit dewan lah, majalah la!ah ah...skit aty u know.. what if i say i dont assigned they use my money for a charity to nothing..i mean..for dewan?majalah?n so whateverlaaaa....because..for you to know..i never got any majalah selekeh tu ok..never!! what for i gave my money even untuk sumbangan pon,right?
dewan tu kan kemudahan..ungraduate punye fees sahaja pon da 600..kolej sahaja da 600..then nk tmbh yuran letrik kejadah sume tu...sakit aty wey ukm ny..

ok!ok!...tetibe aku rse cool..ok
cool kina cool...!!ergh!


at de same times..i feel a bit happy.. i just finished my BAB 3 for thesis by last night..alhamdulillah...

but one thing left actly..i dont know how to spacing it down to 50mm from a birai on the top..mmm so sad..hope someone will help me to do that asap...

mm tapi da cyap ny pon xtentu btul lagy..satgy mula la byk gile correction kene buat kan..ok ok so okay!

yaaa...puas aty sb cyap awal..yaw!yaw!(actually it should be settled last sem lagy..ya mmg da setel tp proposal je..sume students cmtuh)hahah...

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Saturday, December 18, 2010


mm:'( la bile abah xjoined kami(mama,bila) g Genting smlm untuk tgk tiha n coincidently abh pening2 muntah smlm..ok xpe..Allah aturkan yang so lovely when u still keep in heart with us by messaging us frequently...
and u're great could survive alone in kajang redah je eh..haha..

but..still :))..enjoy.tpikaannn if you abah with us,it's more abah suke suruh amek gmbr feel like"yaw!it is a really true vacation which we snap2-ing everywhere,anytime without care bout people around.
:)) la sb mlm tu makan2 ng abah plak..sembang2..cokcek..pastu msuk hotel gaduh2 plak...abah cm budak kecik..eeiisshh!!patutla mama sllu pgl abah "baby besar" sweet ah!

but it's ok..mama made the day yesterday...she's very supporting..asked me to buy anything I wish..
and and and..I got this!(one of them)
alhamdulillah..thanks mama n abah too...

it's not too expensive or adorable..tapi sangat smart!semaarrtt!!! i love u lah CR

thanks thanks mama..
walaupun mama pening nek cabel car tp mama still lyn adik dgn sgt bek...muaxmuax..
I got what I wish..

madly hope abah will join us for next time to Genting... len da bese da pon p genting..aku je gelabah!haha!aku dgr org cina yng duk blakang aku lam bas crita bersama org sebelahnye,die time cuty sekolah cmny 2mggu sekali nek genting enter casino--
gile lah..mmg ramay gile cina kat c2, i think most of them go for gambling die cikgu kot..tu time cuty sekolah nek byk kali..die kte die nek sorg2 sb wife die xsuke g casino..pastukan die syap..n smbung"bahaya" sblah tnye bahaye ape...
cina ny ckp...bahaya wife masuk..n takut saya teramek duit dia nnty..(bgus gak kan..gamble2 tp pk gak bini)---

da nak blik..thanks teha..keje molek sne tu..mkn byk cket..kurus kekek dh tu..pian pon cm kurus..sebok je nk megurus..x umm lah weyh!haha...

thanks u all..muax muax..

see!mama just put her head down all the times in skyway tu..mama..adik pon pning xde ah smpai tnduk lah kan!chill la mama..hahaga!

ready to shopshopshop-ing babeh


seronok ah tu pian ade skli (tia's fiance)
--untung ko pian p ng kami--haha!

dgn tegasnye mama bincang pasal dieorg kawen bile..bile..cne..cne...(mama..mama)

mama tgh bincang ngn die pasal kawen sempat agy posed peace!aahh!
mek ngade

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, December 16, 2010

ups and downs

huh! aarrgghh it's not good to always sigh-ing....
but to me huh!ah!cis!mm!mmhh!aarrgghhh!alaa!aaiisshhh!scep!(alaa bunyi yang buat ngn lidah tu)...ny sume2 bukan sigh impression?sound effect?haa cmtula..
bukan nk merungut sgt pon....
--life's synonym to ups and down--
sometimes I've gold times,sometimes I've bad times..
it's just make me feel happy and sad..not over than limits...
dah eppy..control2 la..xepy sgt...
kalo sedeyh tu sedeyh je la..xde la over2 smpai nk mkan diri sendiri...
tp kalo mrh cm xleh control sgtla...setan penuh nk wat cne...

till now..i just blur on me myself...since am at UKM..
I mean..studies cm ntah pape....
life pon xde la sgt2 kudambakan...
haaa tp ade stu mnde cm seronok...
blh g sne cny klo trase nk pgy dgn bntuan si janggut
ily mamat janggut

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Destiny is always the best

ya..all people know everything happens for a reason at least!
destiny is always the best and we have to pleased with open heart...
and it is something that we usually hard to overcome..
and again..whatever happens in is must go on..
destiny is a reality...
as times goes by..we as a muslim should always give a pray to GOD...
GOD always give the we have to give HIM the best...

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, December 9, 2010

is it just a feeling?

u know,sometimes people always like doing unfair in our daily life.
and my bad, that's unrealized action!maybe.
and that's make me feel..hate!hate!hate you!
i don't know either you just don't want to make a joke(intimacy) with me or you feel uncomfortable

maybe it's just a feeling!
damn fucking hate it!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::