Monday, April 25, 2011

hari Busuk!

nape bile bgun pagi pastu xmandi agy org kate busuk eh??pelek x??aku rse xpon..xde pon org sekeliling aku kalo bgun dr tdo bau busuk..kot dieorg bau aku yg busuk kot?kan kan...emm mustahil..haha!

hari ny ary busuk aku la blh dikatakan..bgun agak 'awal' la jgak..hah pkol brapa awal aku?10 am ok!
haa bgun awal..pastu trus cpt2 kemas2 baju busuk nk g trun kejar washing machine nk basuh baju...ok dah tu, trs amek gitar, petik2 haram buruk...mcm bese la kan nk sedapkan aty smbil gitar kupeluk, nota2 dihadapan ku terbongkang jgak....

pastu makan minum sidai kain...nmpk gaya cm akan berpeluh je kan wat keej2 ny..
dala bru bgun, xmandi agi..COP COP tp da "bgun pagi gosok gg codomolion daaa"

ok..ny mgkin ary busuk aku..xpeee 2 ary lagi nk balk da...
mandi kt cny xbest!

mandi kat umah best!!air panaiisshh!!:)
skg baru mau mandi deerr

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, April 21, 2011


:)):D: D;))
:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, April 18, 2011

nasebla kan.xkesah.happy gila.

nasebla kan ade kawan-kawan cmny..
aku buto agaknye slma 3 taun ny..eish benci lah..seb bek da nk blk da..yehaa..bestnye..
xpe..aku ade yg lain..yg lebih heaven!

pengakuan besar nk bgtau kat cny..
aku akan rindukan faiz yana jiji usop sgt2...dieorg mmg bek..mmg blh :
1) happykan aku ble aku sedih..
2) blh share everything biarla just nk ckp aku bru beli tdung baru pon..dieorg chill je
3) ckp je nk ape,mesti dieorg leh tunaikan
4) ckp je boring, dieorg mesti akan bgi idea nk wat pe..lepak la ape lgy kan
5) byk da rahsia kite bersama kan..aku rindu..sumpah rindu..
6) dieorg suke cri aku time depa happy sedih boring..mmg kawan payah senang la depa ny
7) dieorg sllu support aku
8) dieorg sllu kutuk aku depan2...
9) depa xpernah perli aku dgn ayat lapis2
10) depa suka bgi aku n yana (bidadari lam grup ny) happy gila2..
11) pala otak gila2..
12) suke nyanyi lalak biaq ah duk kat mana pon..lam keta pon cmpai bergegar keta
13) thanks sayang2 sb sllu active kt Geng Kalot Karok Kerang!hah!
and bla bla bla...

i love u all..rasa cm nk kawen ng agpa...haha!bodoh!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I wonder!

but I wondered why we still being together???

it is easy for you to grant something from me???
I think YES..and I am sorry..
coz I also grant something from you..It is 'unreal friend' as accompany

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::


i just realized this always happen to me....

i feel isolated...and why you isolate me??
but its okay..I also dont need you btw..

its not the first time but many times u did it to me.but it seems like u don't realized what u have done!

why dont u asked me to go along with you???why must I yg kate nk ekot?? every time u planned to go somewhere..ergh! jerk!

thats the point why I wouldn't appreciate our supporting and take me for granted..thanks!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Friday, April 15, 2011

2 k vs 10k ---> insuran laa lebih baik

wah..hebat ah...tpi yela..ksian..amal ibadah..xpela..smoga bapakku bertambh murh rezeki..

pgi td dpt tau bapak aku kena kuaq duit 10k to help my cousin yg skt skg..duk kt icu lame da...sian die..

kesnye bapak aku cte hal ny sb td aku mntk duit untuk itu n ini..bukan shopping ok.tpi project..projek!dont miss it okay..

mmm mmg gile la aku dalam late 2 months aku kt ukm ny...2k da aku mntk duit..tpi cket2 ah..and mmg bapak aku jns bgi duit kat aku ciput2..tkut bile masuk 1000 sedebik lam bank aku akan gune dgn seronoknye dan xcmpai sebulan mntk lagi..haha!anak xbaik ny..

aku 2k for 2 months pon ciput2 dptnye..tmbh leter2 mnje cket lagi..hhmm....
die 10k sedebik trs..zap!! nseb anak sedare..klo org luar aku da terpk2 xpe2..kite kene mmbantu org skit....semoga dia sembuh cepat..

xbanyk muQaddimahnye kat cny... trs ke moral value k...

untuk ibu bapa..bakal ibu bapa..buatla insuran untuk seisi keluarga...kalo xmmpu nk buat full buatla yg medical (plg penting) untuk anak2..kalo xmmpu nk byr monthly untuk sume anak2 2, buatla kat anak yg mmg ade penyakit truk..ini sume untuk masa dpn ye mak pak...bukan pe..sekarg ny sume mende pakai duit..anak masuk hospital ketajaan skg pon xfree ok.. kalo mak pak keja kerajaan pon kena byq tapi cket jala..dlm 10-20% je kot if anak dia msuk hospitl kerjaan..tpi kalo non - government workers kene byr byk gile ok eventho hosptal kerajaan..nak2 kalo operation lagi la kan..
kalo private tu xpyh ckpla kan..

kelebihan buat insuran cyap2 untuk anak2:
kalo anak skit tetibe, xpyhla kite nk anta hospitl known, kerjaan kdg lmbt cket eventho urgent kalo private.. zap..!!!.trus buat pe yg dalam hal ny, klo ade insuran trus claim kan..xpyh pk sgt psl duit yg kite byr bulan2 dlu tula akan support sumenye..
BUT atas insuran ape jgk la kite amek..ade yg msih kene byr jgk bebrapa % walupun ade surveyla which one insurn yg bgus kan..

ALHAMDULLILAH mak pak aku da cyap2 sume da untuk kami bertiga...thanks..pengorbanan ibubapa itu xkan terbalas walaupun sebesar zarah! I love u so much!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, April 7, 2011

when people have 2 faces

one thing important u have get to know peeps...

people out there have 2 faces at the same times in different situations..
they can be like this and like that..

it is normal if we have 2, 3 or more faces but depends on the situations..
for example:

1) u always have to talk properly with someone 'higher' than u such as parents, teacher etc..
2) u always have to smile back when people smile at u..
3) etc..(situations that u have to be not yourself)


it is NOT normal if u have TWO faces when:

1) u act like a lion with ur family, at the same time u act like shy shy cat with ur boyfriend and act like ustazah when u with friends..oh no!
2) u say yes when ur parents say dont do this and that, in fact u did it..oh!ergh!
3) u say okay when ur boyfriend ask u to do n don'ts something, but actually u are not okay

u are stupid when u let ur friends know how stupid u are having TWO or may be three faces..hahaha..

BUT undeniable most of us have two faces!

and undeniable me too
:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::