Thursday, August 25, 2011 by one..again n again

thanks ALLAH...
I just want to share that I just checked my result for the practical..
i got 4 flat and it made my purata adalah 3.00..
yaa i know result ny xgempak..
tp b4 ny 2.95..and mse kt time praktikal dlu, sllu duk kira2 supaya aku dpt 3.00
just to make u know, grad dengan pointer 3.00 kire kelas b
kelas A mmg da xleh 3.75-400
kelas C below 2.99

soo..yeah...I am so happy:)

thanks mama sb when I told u 'adik dapat 4 flat utk LI'
mama trus peluk muka adik..hehe how sweet are u mama..

thanks ALLAH:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, August 21, 2011

happy 22nd abg darling.

22 august 2011..
your last birthday celebration as single mingle k..
next year insyaAllah u'll celebrate with ur wife..
hope Allah bless you always..
protect you
guide you
and meet you..

i always make doaa..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I fell Good right now....better..

masaku hari2 adalah bersama family dan my boyfriend, Mohd Azlan...

and i feel good...
but sometimes i feel bad when I see my friends in facebook upload photos which are they had meeting up and have fun together with all their girls and boys...

every time I saw them, I'll asked Mr boyfriend...

I: honey, lepas kwen nnty i boleh hang up with my friends lagi x??
Mr: yeah...mestila boleh..tapi adela syarat2nye...
I: emm? syarat penye..xyahla ade syarat..kitekan muda lgi..
Mr: alaaa syarat tu xsush pon..1: xleh smpai mlm..pling lwt 9pm je...2: nk pgi kuar mesti ade perempuan...3: jgn kerap sgtla k darling..
I: ooo...mmm...ok2 setuju...jap2..kalo nk g karoke lame2 ng dieorg leh x???(aktiviti wajib my girls and boys)
Mr: boleh..xde mslh..tpi kalo I ade jgk xpe x??
I: ouuhh boleh je..xde hal..tpi tkut dieorgla xbest..
Mr: alaa I duduk je main hp ke pe ke kat dlm tu..I xnyanyi pon..yg pentung daling dpn mte I...
I: heheheeee ok!

my conversation with him went well:)

so to all my boys and girls..we can have our time as my future husband already had a deal with me...hoorey!heheh..

always belong with me eh?ok syg

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

so loongg....

waa...I happily blocked my blog!
and now come so so many things happened b4....
first(5/8/11): i already completed my latihan industri at MARDI Kuantan...
second(8/8/11): azlan's family came to my house(merisik)..
third: since we are going to engaged after aidilfitri and married on Nov ( insyaAllah kawen sme ng kakak,die da confirm lame da nk kwen, then bincang2 parents ckp kite buat sekali la..xbek kapel lame2, korg da rapat sgt da ny) i decided to find a i can get some duit poket la kan..also busy for preparation
fourth(14/8/11):successfully got the temporarily job as replacement teacher for 3 months at sksi:) alhamdulillah..
fifth(16/8/11): sick! teeth in the back which called gigi bongsu grows in ways that are not properly..gigi tu tumbuh secare tidur..u know what i mean..yeah. emm so kene cabutla gigi tu coz die menolak gusi..pipi sy da kembung da bengkak.:"(.. but the thing is gigi tu x tumbuh keluar kene BELAH gusi bru cabut gigi! what the hell i have to go through..mmm ya Allah..sesungguhnya ini ujian dariMU...
sixth: think think and think nk belah x gusi ny and'( da puas da nanges...God help me please...

* sepanjang jadi teacher ade perasaan seronok n xseronok timbul..sebab kene ajar dak standard 2 and 3, noty gile la dieorg tu..skit tekak menjerit..da la puase kan..ayaahhh..dugaan..selain tu, rase xbest sgt kt bilik yelah, sy ne kenal cikgu2 kt c2 kan..ade 2 cikgu je kenal sb dieorg tu cikgu sy tapi tetap rse sunyila kan sorg2...yg seronoknye keje half day..130pm baliiikkk...hoorey gile lah!
* rase excited nk tunang n nikah ny...sgt happy when family die dtg mse tu genap setahun kiteorg menjalinkan hubungan as kawan rapat2 since 8/8/10...hehe:)
* sometimes gelisah gak pk cantik ke x muke aku time make up msih byk g jerawat, parut, whitehead, blackhead, and mcm2 la yg ade kt muke


:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::