Friday, December 30, 2011

Alhamdulillah :) great news..

I am very thankful dgn rezeki yg Allah bgi..

doctor: 'ok positive, now ade info cketla...'

by & abg: pandang bertembung mata dan dgn selambe angguk dan fokus dgn info2...

keluar je blik: tarik nafas lega smpai jdi blur2..hahaha

that was a great feeling ever I had..thanks Allah..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

there is a reason

pagi tadi about 6.20 am cmtu, i got the massage
' aliff telah kembali mengahadap Illahi, semoga arwah ditempatkan di kalangan orang beriman'


ouh Ya Allah....Innalillah..
terus baca Al-fatihah and gtau husband kt sebelah..

Ya Allah, mmg aku xberapa kenal aliff ny, tetapi dpt rse kehilangan arwah bf my closefriend...and arwah dak sekolah I dlu..and arwah dtg mse I kawen 18.11.11 baru ny...i feel like a bump when i knew he was sick a few days after my wed day tu...he looked sihat and happy with my friend, Erra....

and now, kite same2lah doakan kesejahteraan arwah di sana, dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman..

'dear erra, be strong..whatever happens there is a reason..Allah lebih sayangkan die, Allah xnk bagi kesiksaan yang begitu lame kt die, so arwah jemput die dulu..erra kene redha, byk berdoa...bile erra rase sedih, rindu ke trus sembahyang hajat doakan kesejahteraan die eh erra....insyaAllah erra mampu hadapinya dengan mmg dugaan besar, bile I dengar berita ny, mmg erra la trus kina engt...oh my God, tenangkanlah erra...erra, kina bce yg erra updated status cm ny..
'No one can ever replace you here in my heart. Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened in my life. Heart you, Mohd Aliff Na'im. :')'

yep, bile kina letak keadaan kina kt erra, seriously mmg kina faham..mungkin ini masanya Allah nk dekaktkan erra denganNya...supaya erra sentiasa berdoa n sujud padaNYA...bercintalah dengan Allah erra, InsyaAllah hati erra akan tenang..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, December 25, 2011

keep wondering about 'ugly' thing

ok right! i am wondering and thinking about of some people who yang xde perasaan sgt...when I text them, call them, they did not pick it up...kalau call or text sekali sebulan or sekali setahun xreply tu, its okla kan, but the situation was different....i keep calling n text them almost everyday..yaa, sometimes i cume nak sembang2 and tanya khabar je...

pelek 1:

they did not reply me, but on another day, he/she text me, tapi xcakap pun sorry ke ape ke tentang die xreply n picked up phone sebelum2 ny.. dieorg msg pasal hal lain plak..pelek x?

pelek 2:

yang jenis xangkat xreply text tu mmg sgt pelek xkanla die xtgk fon dalam mse seminggu kan??xkan xde krdit dlm mse sebulan kan? xkan la bz memanjang smpai kencing pon xsempat kan..?

pelek 3:

why dont, when u all da ade krdt, da xbz, da tgk fon tu reply la msg i...even i just text 'hey, pe kabarr?' & ' u buat pe tu?' & 'woi pe cite skg lu' & 'why dont u reply me?' and etc...

FRIENDS: doesnt mean we need to contact friends when we need something or want to talk to about any important things.. but to me, friends is just u take care of ur friend's heart, and then they would take care of yours too..
hey people, dont be soo sellfish, yet you go find friends jugak...

i couldnt think positively anymore about kind of those people ..i hate when they did it to me...seriously jerk ok! because, i think i never or seldom do that to my friends or family!

but yeah, i know that maybe some people would say to me..
' hey babe, chill lah, maybe he/she bz kot... maybe he/she malas tgk fon kot..'
emm whatever you would say, i dont accept it all..

BUT, it is okay...i wouldn't putus kawan pun..sakit aty sekejap je...jap jap g baikla haty ny..rse marah i sekejap je..xlame...kalo korg reply me, i ok je reply n sembang kencang ng korang..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, November 21, 2011

alhamdulillah..saya sudah kahwin!:)

Ya Allah , kami mohon setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran keran telah menyempurnakan majlis kami dengan begitu baik..alhamdulillah, kami telah diijabkabulkan dengan baik..terima kasih ya Allah melimpahkan rezeki kepada kami sekeluarga...

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, October 31, 2011

Alhamdulillah :)

yesterday i went to all bridal studio in bandar kemaman and awesome that i found my dream yeah, i rent it and tambah awesome bile I am the first person who rent that bju pengantin memandangkan die da bru je siap...patung je yg rasmikan sblm ny..heheh alhamdulillah....

sebenarnye x jdi pon kesah ni, tpi ble my mom xbrape suke sy mengenakan baju pengantin kebaya, so she decided to let me rent yg lain which yg bile die tgk, die trus kate "wowowo lawalawa"..........and finally da jumpa...thanks!!! Alhamdulillah:)

i feel so soo happy and thankfull to my mom n GOD :)))

so now, i always pray for the best..

lst night I just celebrating ou 2 months engagement( Kina & Azlan)... sambil celebrate students nk final dearest fiance was very supporting and very gentle when he melayan sume budak2 tahun dua and sau tu kat rumah I....banyak gile makanan dak2 ny bwk...sume yg cheesy2...n mmg gemuklah..heheee...

thanks future husband, hope everything goes well n I know we could face all situations with great heart...

abg by, by sllu doakan kite kekal hingga ke akhir hayat and bahagia menempuh alam perkhahwinan:) InsyaAllah

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, October 24, 2011

waaa makan banyak!!!

ayoyo...aku makan banyak lah makin2 nak jdi pengantin ny...geraaammm btol laaa..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, October 20, 2011


mind fighting!
i am in trouble and should ask for help from my sweetheart...

dear...pliss come to my house and land me ur hand to solve all these thingss...plisss..

mmm nak je ckp cmny kat die, tpi xboleh sb kesian..hari ni die wat OT so blk pkol 5 ptg..xkan I nk surh die dtg kmas plk...mmm sobs!

ok fine! let's do something yg fun least leh bgi haty ny calm down cket..oklet's blogging ladies n gentlemen..hehee

I am so excited like crazy when the days r running so fast..xsampai sebulan lgila babe nk melayar bahtera perkhahwinan..nerve I sume da tercacak da..Ya Allah, aku mohon padaMu agar memberi kemudahan ats segala perkara.amin:)

see the thing is I am the only one who have to clear up all perabot sampah sarap yang berterabur kt umah ni because of my siblings are not here(home)...teha(sis yg akan kawen skali gk) akan balik 17 mlm..what thee sgt kan..which i akan nikah 18 mlm..haahh.. and Bila(sis) akan blk mybe on 19 tu..soo, sgtla exhausted ye sy kene kemas sengsorang..dgn harapan my dear dtg tolong..

dugaan skrg, gigi bongsu kanan tumbuh, so mesti skitkan..sume tahu kan..bengkak n demam, tambah teruk bile x-ray baru ny rupenye gigi tu kene operate buang..da wat appoinment da, pas kwen bru buat...hehee..

but one thing..I hope dgn mengemas ny badan akan mengempis sikit, bolehla nmpk cntik cket time pakai bgju pengantin nnty..
bukan sekadar MENGEMAS ye i kene buat..I also volunteer to do all the hantaran my side and teha(sis)..baik kan..heheeee..

ok done! nk mengemas semula.

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I would say I do....:)

Thanks for being my partner InsyaAllah:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Saturday, October 15, 2011

full of emotions

first alhamdulillah coz da settle borg nikah..bru antala..nk kene tggu approve plak..:)

ok..what I would like to share is:

tdi me woth my fiance went to the event organized by JobMalaysia which everyone knows that is for job vacancy...suprisingly there were no any vacancy suit for my with my level(degree in biology) what a shame!!!huh!..

gratefully my boy got 2 jobs from 2 companies..but have to think wisely first since we are getting married soon..

and now i feel like almost give up to find a job anymore..i don't know..may be i just be a replacement teacher for this while..hmmm xpe..rezeki jugak walaupun gaji dpt cket n least i work for half day only and i can get extra income from the home

Allah please murahkanla rezeki aku dan keluargaku dan lindungilah kami dari bala. amin:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


ok guys..i am thinking how to impress myself during my wed day nanty...

seems my future husband just allowing me to ONLY wear tudung BAWAL, so I have to la kan..
He dont like to see perempuan wearing shawl syria or any hijab selain tdung bawal..i sont know why..maybe he only dont like to see me wearing up them..but demi menjaga hati aku, he said' sume perempuan'..haha I pon xsuke pakai tdung lain selain tudung bawal dan syria..syria is more simple and easier..

ok fine..what I am thinking and planning now is..

tdung bawal with veil yg penuh sulam kat bahagian atas kepala and rantai luar baju yg berjeler sampai dada..kononnye nk tutup kecikaian tdung bawal la kan..cikai ke tdung bawal??bgi aku x bgi yg 'fashionista' kt luar sne of course dieorg kte cikai kan..whateverlah..

ok kina jgn excited sgt!!! relax je ok!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::


'Allah akan berikan dugaan dahulu sebelum memberi kebaikan'

insyaAllah sabar dalam menempuh dugaan untuk mendapatkan kebaikan dari Allah

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Friday, September 9, 2011

pepagi di KMC (Kuantan Medical Centre)

my first time have a 'good' morning at hosp..and its actually not too good...

my dad is going to have a minor surgery of his finger..thumb one..
it called trigger finger which his thumb couldn't move 'something' blocked inside his thumb..and after consulted by Dr Nasir, he asked my dad to have a minor surgery and wow, that surgery will taking only 5-10 mins yeah insyaAllah xde papennye tuu

we're waiting....:)

hope everything goes well and Allah permudahkan segalanya...

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

wishlist round two!

beli brg kawen sme2 ng future husband, azlan..
pergi bercuti!
wishlist ntah pape..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, September 5, 2011

Teacher di Sekolah & Rumah..hoorey!

alhamdulillah lepas tunang ni rezeki bertambah..
starting from tonight i also as a teacher at home..come into my house studentss..welcome darlings!
darlingss la sb students standar 1 2 and 3..kalo da besar x darlingss nakal..hehee..besela budak2 kan..paham ajee...

and I feel like woot woot..(angkatkening)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Friday, September 2, 2011

alhamdulillah E day 2.9.11:

huh da selesai step kedua iaitu pertunangan..
simple langsungnya...
picture story everything...

Abang, I love so much..smoga Allah panjangkan umur kita dan kekal sepanjang hayat...thanks sb sllu bersabar ng by..tula senjata abg.., kesabaran..:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, August 25, 2011 by one..again n again

thanks ALLAH...
I just want to share that I just checked my result for the practical..
i got 4 flat and it made my purata adalah 3.00..
yaa i know result ny xgempak..
tp b4 ny 2.95..and mse kt time praktikal dlu, sllu duk kira2 supaya aku dpt 3.00
just to make u know, grad dengan pointer 3.00 kire kelas b
kelas A mmg da xleh 3.75-400
kelas C below 2.99

soo..yeah...I am so happy:)

thanks mama sb when I told u 'adik dapat 4 flat utk LI'
mama trus peluk muka adik..hehe how sweet are u mama..

thanks ALLAH:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, August 21, 2011

happy 22nd abg darling.

22 august 2011..
your last birthday celebration as single mingle k..
next year insyaAllah u'll celebrate with ur wife..
hope Allah bless you always..
protect you
guide you
and meet you..

i always make doaa..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I fell Good right now....better..

masaku hari2 adalah bersama family dan my boyfriend, Mohd Azlan...

and i feel good...
but sometimes i feel bad when I see my friends in facebook upload photos which are they had meeting up and have fun together with all their girls and boys...

every time I saw them, I'll asked Mr boyfriend...

I: honey, lepas kwen nnty i boleh hang up with my friends lagi x??
Mr: yeah...mestila boleh..tapi adela syarat2nye...
I: emm? syarat penye..xyahla ade syarat..kitekan muda lgi..
Mr: alaaa syarat tu xsush pon..1: xleh smpai mlm..pling lwt 9pm je...2: nk pgi kuar mesti ade perempuan...3: jgn kerap sgtla k darling..
I: ooo...mmm...ok2 setuju...jap2..kalo nk g karoke lame2 ng dieorg leh x???(aktiviti wajib my girls and boys)
Mr: boleh..xde mslh..tpi kalo I ade jgk xpe x??
I: ouuhh boleh je..xde hal..tpi tkut dieorgla xbest..
Mr: alaa I duduk je main hp ke pe ke kat dlm tu..I xnyanyi pon..yg pentung daling dpn mte I...
I: heheheeee ok!

my conversation with him went well:)

so to all my boys and girls..we can have our time as my future husband already had a deal with me...hoorey!heheh..

always belong with me eh?ok syg

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

so loongg....

waa...I happily blocked my blog!
and now come so so many things happened b4....
first(5/8/11): i already completed my latihan industri at MARDI Kuantan...
second(8/8/11): azlan's family came to my house(merisik)..
third: since we are going to engaged after aidilfitri and married on Nov ( insyaAllah kawen sme ng kakak,die da confirm lame da nk kwen, then bincang2 parents ckp kite buat sekali la..xbek kapel lame2, korg da rapat sgt da ny) i decided to find a i can get some duit poket la kan..also busy for preparation
fourth(14/8/11):successfully got the temporarily job as replacement teacher for 3 months at sksi:) alhamdulillah..
fifth(16/8/11): sick! teeth in the back which called gigi bongsu grows in ways that are not properly..gigi tu tumbuh secare tidur..u know what i mean..yeah. emm so kene cabutla gigi tu coz die menolak gusi..pipi sy da kembung da bengkak.:"(.. but the thing is gigi tu x tumbuh keluar kene BELAH gusi bru cabut gigi! what the hell i have to go through..mmm ya Allah..sesungguhnya ini ujian dariMU...
sixth: think think and think nk belah x gusi ny and'( da puas da nanges...God help me please...

* sepanjang jadi teacher ade perasaan seronok n xseronok timbul..sebab kene ajar dak standard 2 and 3, noty gile la dieorg tu..skit tekak menjerit..da la puase kan..ayaahhh..dugaan..selain tu, rase xbest sgt kt bilik yelah, sy ne kenal cikgu2 kt c2 kan..ade 2 cikgu je kenal sb dieorg tu cikgu sy tapi tetap rse sunyila kan sorg2...yg seronoknye keje half day..130pm baliiikkk...hoorey gile lah!
* rase excited nk tunang n nikah ny...sgt happy when family die dtg mse tu genap setahun kiteorg menjalinkan hubungan as kawan rapat2 since 8/8/10...hehe:)
* sometimes gelisah gak pk cantik ke x muke aku time make up msih byk g jerawat, parut, whitehead, blackhead, and mcm2 la yg ade kt muke


:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i love u

i love u so much:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

i love u

i love u so much:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

biarla ape pon

sumpah aku cakap..
i need an awesome vacation..pulau pulau..
i dont need shopping lagi..dont need kl kl ke..moden sgt xdpt puaskan hati aku skg...

aku nk ke tmpt yg celen2 cket...

aku duk mardi ny ade ke patut org ckp aku cmny...

'awk dtg cny nek kete, ulang alik plak tu, myk mahal oh skg, ade handbag brand, kasut brand, bju kuurng lawa, anak org kaye la ny....
dah tu nape dtg mtk prktikal kt cny..(mardi kuantan ny terletak di jalan kuantan-kemaman di mana mmg kampung pon, tp bukan pedalaman la..)"

saye pon jawb..
"eh mane ade..anak cikgu je..(kawan saya penah ckp cikgu xkaye pon, bese2 je..nape ramai org ckp anak cikgu kaya) sy pon xtau nape org ckp cm sy tau la mak pak sy cikgu..
kampung2 ny da xlrt da tgk bandar2 ny..cewahh..haha mcm la kemaman tu mcm kl...

mm da duk 3 thun kat ukm rse penat da puan xsuke jalan jammed2 cm kat sne suke ketenangan.. tapi kat kemaman skg pon da jammed..kadang stuck smpai 30 mins..uish dlu kemaman xde jammed2 ny..heee.."

" awk dari ukm kan, awk duk offce k..bahagaian promosi tekno.."
saye jawab..
" kalo nk g ladang2 gk blh suke keej keras2.."

puan ckp:
" blhla..kdg2..smggu 1x 2x ke.."

tpi for 2 days ny aku mmg duk offce je..xwat pe pon..ehh tipu tipu..smlm g pusing sume ladang n kandang da....beessstttt..biarla bau taik biri2 pon..hahaah..btw..kelkar dowh biri2 berak..dala taik kecik2..pastu cm pancut2 cm tu..hahahh..soorryy guys ayat kotor cket..description yg over kan..:p

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

nk menunjuk cket

ny la yg aku pakai dan bawa smlm keje @ prktikal..

ny muke bosan aku semalam...aiyaakk

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

4th May 2011

day of birth
2nd day of practical in Mardi Kuantan
I dont know what I am suppose to feel..
happy? super blast? sad? bored? oh noooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never feel crazy like badak mcm ny..

semalam ok la cket first day prac, sembang2, p urus borg bagai..
tp ary ny..lgsung sy xdberi keje ape2..ergh cm badak je duk mencangak kt cny..seb bek de tenet kan..leh la jdi badak moden sat...

eeiisshh tensyen2..
nk menyesal xblh..

tp babes..bygla 3 bulan aku kt cny..abah aku ckp prktikl mmg cmny..aku tnye kwn2 pon byk yg mcm dieorg berkawan2..okla kan..aku ny..sekoq ja..mmm...

kesimpulannya: nk positive..
pasny ade la tu keje kina...jgn mrungur sgt takut pas ny keje xmenang tangan plak..sabar2 k..ade hikmah dgn pe yg Allah bgi...
jgn duk nk berbadak bebedak lgi lah

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, April 25, 2011

hari Busuk!

nape bile bgun pagi pastu xmandi agy org kate busuk eh??pelek x??aku rse xpon..xde pon org sekeliling aku kalo bgun dr tdo bau busuk..kot dieorg bau aku yg busuk kot?kan kan...emm mustahil..haha!

hari ny ary busuk aku la blh dikatakan..bgun agak 'awal' la jgak..hah pkol brapa awal aku?10 am ok!
haa bgun awal..pastu trus cpt2 kemas2 baju busuk nk g trun kejar washing machine nk basuh baju...ok dah tu, trs amek gitar, petik2 haram buruk...mcm bese la kan nk sedapkan aty smbil gitar kupeluk, nota2 dihadapan ku terbongkang jgak....

pastu makan minum sidai kain...nmpk gaya cm akan berpeluh je kan wat keej2 ny..
dala bru bgun, xmandi agi..COP COP tp da "bgun pagi gosok gg codomolion daaa"

ok..ny mgkin ary busuk aku..xpeee 2 ary lagi nk balk da...
mandi kt cny xbest!

mandi kat umah best!!air panaiisshh!!:)
skg baru mau mandi deerr

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, April 21, 2011


:)):D: D;))
:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, April 18, 2011

nasebla kan.xkesah.happy gila.

nasebla kan ade kawan-kawan cmny..
aku buto agaknye slma 3 taun ny..eish benci lah..seb bek da nk blk da..yehaa..bestnye..
xpe..aku ade yg lain..yg lebih heaven!

pengakuan besar nk bgtau kat cny..
aku akan rindukan faiz yana jiji usop sgt2...dieorg mmg bek..mmg blh :
1) happykan aku ble aku sedih..
2) blh share everything biarla just nk ckp aku bru beli tdung baru pon..dieorg chill je
3) ckp je nk ape,mesti dieorg leh tunaikan
4) ckp je boring, dieorg mesti akan bgi idea nk wat pe..lepak la ape lgy kan
5) byk da rahsia kite bersama kan..aku rindu..sumpah rindu..
6) dieorg suke cri aku time depa happy sedih boring..mmg kawan payah senang la depa ny
7) dieorg sllu support aku
8) dieorg sllu kutuk aku depan2...
9) depa xpernah perli aku dgn ayat lapis2
10) depa suka bgi aku n yana (bidadari lam grup ny) happy gila2..
11) pala otak gila2..
12) suke nyanyi lalak biaq ah duk kat mana pon..lam keta pon cmpai bergegar keta
13) thanks sayang2 sb sllu active kt Geng Kalot Karok Kerang!hah!
and bla bla bla...

i love u all..rasa cm nk kawen ng agpa...haha!bodoh!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I wonder!

but I wondered why we still being together???

it is easy for you to grant something from me???
I think YES..and I am sorry..
coz I also grant something from you..It is 'unreal friend' as accompany

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::


i just realized this always happen to me....

i feel isolated...and why you isolate me??
but its okay..I also dont need you btw..

its not the first time but many times u did it to me.but it seems like u don't realized what u have done!

why dont u asked me to go along with you???why must I yg kate nk ekot?? every time u planned to go somewhere..ergh! jerk!

thats the point why I wouldn't appreciate our supporting and take me for granted..thanks!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Friday, April 15, 2011

2 k vs 10k ---> insuran laa lebih baik

wah..hebat ah...tpi yela..ksian..amal ibadah..xpela..smoga bapakku bertambh murh rezeki..

pgi td dpt tau bapak aku kena kuaq duit 10k to help my cousin yg skt skg..duk kt icu lame da...sian die..

kesnye bapak aku cte hal ny sb td aku mntk duit untuk itu n ini..bukan shopping ok.tpi project..projek!dont miss it okay..

mmm mmg gile la aku dalam late 2 months aku kt ukm ny...2k da aku mntk duit..tpi cket2 ah..and mmg bapak aku jns bgi duit kat aku ciput2..tkut bile masuk 1000 sedebik lam bank aku akan gune dgn seronoknye dan xcmpai sebulan mntk lagi..haha!anak xbaik ny..

aku 2k for 2 months pon ciput2 dptnye..tmbh leter2 mnje cket lagi..hhmm....
die 10k sedebik trs..zap!! nseb anak sedare..klo org luar aku da terpk2 xpe2..kite kene mmbantu org skit....semoga dia sembuh cepat..

xbanyk muQaddimahnye kat cny... trs ke moral value k...

untuk ibu bapa..bakal ibu bapa..buatla insuran untuk seisi keluarga...kalo xmmpu nk buat full buatla yg medical (plg penting) untuk anak2..kalo xmmpu nk byr monthly untuk sume anak2 2, buatla kat anak yg mmg ade penyakit truk..ini sume untuk masa dpn ye mak pak...bukan pe..sekarg ny sume mende pakai duit..anak masuk hospital ketajaan skg pon xfree ok.. kalo mak pak keja kerajaan pon kena byq tapi cket jala..dlm 10-20% je kot if anak dia msuk hospitl kerjaan..tpi kalo non - government workers kene byr byk gile ok eventho hosptal kerajaan..nak2 kalo operation lagi la kan..
kalo private tu xpyh ckpla kan..

kelebihan buat insuran cyap2 untuk anak2:
kalo anak skit tetibe, xpyhla kite nk anta hospitl known, kerjaan kdg lmbt cket eventho urgent kalo private.. zap..!!!.trus buat pe yg dalam hal ny, klo ade insuran trus claim kan..xpyh pk sgt psl duit yg kite byr bulan2 dlu tula akan support sumenye..
BUT atas insuran ape jgk la kite amek..ade yg msih kene byr jgk bebrapa % walupun ade surveyla which one insurn yg bgus kan..

ALHAMDULLILAH mak pak aku da cyap2 sume da untuk kami bertiga...thanks..pengorbanan ibubapa itu xkan terbalas walaupun sebesar zarah! I love u so much!

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, April 7, 2011

when people have 2 faces

one thing important u have get to know peeps...

people out there have 2 faces at the same times in different situations..
they can be like this and like that..

it is normal if we have 2, 3 or more faces but depends on the situations..
for example:

1) u always have to talk properly with someone 'higher' than u such as parents, teacher etc..
2) u always have to smile back when people smile at u..
3) etc..(situations that u have to be not yourself)


it is NOT normal if u have TWO faces when:

1) u act like a lion with ur family, at the same time u act like shy shy cat with ur boyfriend and act like ustazah when u with friends..oh no!
2) u say yes when ur parents say dont do this and that, in fact u did it..oh!ergh!
3) u say okay when ur boyfriend ask u to do n don'ts something, but actually u are not okay

u are stupid when u let ur friends know how stupid u are having TWO or may be three faces..hahaha..

BUT undeniable most of us have two faces!

and undeniable me too
:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Sunday, March 27, 2011

first time love

great day...your day..mine too..

It was my first time entered graduation hall..
though my sis already graduated, but I didn't enter the hall and no one of us yg tgk kat screen je kalo msuk pon..means, there are in separated room/hall actually..
so so so..I just feel excited and want to be a great person of him on that day:)

azlan...congratulationss! no matter what level you have been completed...the most important thing you succeed and da dpt keje da pon kan.. immediately kan kan kan...great!

pictures of everything:)
dah encem2 kt ats tetibe kasut
he always know where the camera shot and me of course ..tehee
tahniah azlan:)
lecturer kesayangan die

simple but yeah
suke nk jadi superman kan..

first forever, be the prince:)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

mama abah

abah abah

adik ny kuat melawan sangat ke hah???
adik mtk maaf tau..
adik ny panas baran kot..cepat sgt melenting..marah2..
adik sedih gk ng dri adik sendiri..tpi adik nk wat cmne..
sllu gak mtk doa lembutkan cket aty ny...

mama abah doakan adik keyh..
i LOVE u soo much..
mama abah je yg memahami adik sgt.
suami nnty akan paham adik x??

ke adik kene berubah??
naaakk...tapi nanty..ciput ciput eh..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

mood lari

mood nk buat thesis lari ke kuah kari...
aku kurg mood da nk wat tesis...
xtau nape...
mgkin sb hanya tinggal lagi 27 hari untuk aku anta..
org len bile makin dekat makin gelabah..
aku...gelabah gak..gelabah kat mulut..
tgn xgerak pon...geram!!

1 april anta thesis siap jilid
11 april exam
13&14 april viva
27 april exam...

xke cm comel2 je jadual ny kan???

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, February 28, 2011

stop jap kot..KOT!

da jmep beg kuning yg aku berkenan..murah gile..rm10 hinggit jaaa...
tpi time tu xcucuk dt pon agy n dlm purse ade 2 hinggit jaaa
jadi xbeli lagy...
mgkin nk suh stop jap kot sopping beg2 ny..
(ayat sedapkan aty)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Thursday, February 24, 2011

telinga kamu kne sbar keyh

malam ny sy asyik dgr leteran jeee
so oh telinga sabar keyh....

sush weyh klo dpt org yg ske bincang2 lbih2...
penat weeyyhhh...

oh telinga oh telinga oh telinga
sabar k..

( jap2 xltk pon hp kt tlga..biar die brleter srg..hahaha)

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::

Monday, February 21, 2011


mission: kuning, grey dan oren pulak..

:: a botanist who love & care ALLAH's creatures ::